Immortalising a Media Freedom Activist

Sivukile Journalism awards woman reading papers
The need to improve media freedom in Africa was one of the core driving principles espoused by Jeannette Minnie.

What is a fitting memorial for one of Africa’s most significant media freedom activists?

This was the question posed by University of Witwatersrand Link Centre when the family and friends of the late Jeannette Minnie approached the institution with a view to produce a e-Learning course around media freedom in Africa. 

Called the Zambezi Fox, Jeanette Minnie was a tireless activist who made significant contributions to media freedom across the globe. We were thrilled and honoured to be involved in a legacy programme for a woman of such significance.

Jeannette Minnie one of the finest media purveyors in Africa who died of cancer in 2016

The Link Centre approached frayintermedia to partner around the course, and the result was incredible: a Massive Open Online Course aimed at building a legion of Jeanette Minnie’s across the continent. 

Link Centre, Wits University Johannesburg.

Entitled Media Freedom and Freedom of Expression in Africa, the course curriculum, production of case studies, and marketing support were designed by frayintermedia.

Founder and Managing Director of frayintermedia Paula Fray was one of the key course instructors along with other prominent media freedom experts from across southern Africa.

The course is archived on Wits University’s edX platform and all materials are available for free.
