by Michelle A. Amazeen | Tue, Feb, 2022 | Change voices, News and Insights
Mainstream news media outlets have, in recent years, begun to create advertisements that look like news articles on their websites and on social media. My research raises questions about whether this modern form of advertising might influence those outlets’ real journalism.
by Aphiwe Kunene | Tue, Feb, 2022 | Change voices, News and Insights, Story
The Botswana government has amended the controversial Criminal Procedure and Evidence (Controlled Investigation) Bill which is legislation journalists feared would muzzle free speech and tighten the vice on the press.
by Frayintermedia | Thu, Jan, 2022 | Examples of our work, Our work
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation, in partnership with Oxfam South Africa, conducted a study in 2017 on Violence Against Women (VAW). The study sought to understand the high prevalence within South Africa and also aimed to inform interventions made by government and society in addressing VAW.
by Frayintermedia | Wed, Dec, 2021 | Examples of our work, Our work
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) asses the use of values in communication in Media Africa’s Election bridge evaluation. KAS approached frayintermedia to help monitor social media around elections in southern Africa.
by Frayintermedia | Thu, Dec, 2021 | Examples of our work, Our work
The SA Success Stories built a following on youtube of 200 000