Women’s voices are missing in the media – including them could generate billions in income
Women need to be included in each step in the news value chain, whether in leadership, news production or consumption.
Women need to be included in each step in the news value chain, whether in leadership, news production or consumption.
The idea that South Africa does not have capacity or knowledge is a myth. That is according to South African born biotech billionaire Dr Patrick Soon-Shiong.
The fraycollege occupational certificate in journalism that launched on February 14 deals with the needs of a sector in disruption, said fraycollege CEO Paula Fray.
Mainstream news media outlets have, in recent years, begun to create advertisements that look like news articles on their websites and on social media. My research raises questions about whether this modern form of advertising might influence those outlets’ real journalism.
The Botswana government has amended the controversial Criminal Procedure and Evidence (Controlled Investigation) Bill which is legislation journalists feared would muzzle free speech and tighten the vice on the press.